This is the story of how our family came to live in Canaan. My name was Abram before God changed it, and your mother's was Sarai. My father was Terah. He was a famous merchant in the city of Ur before he died. You see, it was a hard time for people in the city of Ur back then. Our ruler had just died, and my father was worried that the city would be attacked, and all his riches would be taken. So, he asked his gods where our family should go. Then he took us to the city of Haran. This city satisfied my father, because it was a good place for a merchant. After years of living in the city of Haran, my father past away. On the night of his funeral I decided to take a peaceful stroll through our fields. I heard a loud voice calling my name "Abram!" I looked around and saw no one, so I took a chance at asking the voice, "Who are you? The voice said, "I am the one and only God!'' Then, I asked God, "What do you want from me, Lord?" Then, God said, "If you worship only me I will bless your friends and curse your enemies, and I will make you the father of a great nation. Your children and grandchildren will inherit the land of Canaan." I laughed when God said this, because your mother and I were quite old by that time. That's when God changed our names from Abram and Sarai to Abraham and Sarah. One year later we had you. We named you Issac, which means "laughter" because we laughed at God when he told us that in are old age we were going to have a beautiful baby.
Your loving father,